Scouting Life

For a scout, becoming a Royal Scout often is just a distant dream.

Many of the scouts begun to have made a commitment in order to obtain this honor, but only several of them who would be steadfast till the end.

All the way from Keahlian (Tenderfoot), Usaha (Third Class) badge, Maju (Second Class) badge and Jaya (First Class) badge to Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout), with Jaya Diri (Independence) badge, Kemahiran (Skills) badge, Kegiatan (Activities) badge, Ekspedisi (Expedition) badge and Perkhidmatan (Service) badge. These badges are also known as the five senior badges (Lima Lencana Tertinggi). These are the minimum qualifications, a must-go-through journey in order to be eligible to become a King’s Scout. If you are a scout, you would know it would have been a real tough journey as it is truly not easy to pass all the badges exams.

Kuan Kyn had been working hard and been successful since the age of 13 by getting both Keahlian (Tenderfoot) and Usaha (Third Class) badge and by the age of 14, he proceeded with Maju (Second Class) badge and Jaya (First Class) badge then during his 15-16, he successfully obtained all the five senior badges (Lima Lencana Tertinggi). During that period, he was evaluated and made to undergo a Ujian Sikap Pengakap Raja (King Scout Code of Conduct Examination), which consists of five components: Tanggungjawab (Responsibility), Pengembaraan (Expedition), Perkhidmatan Masyarakat (Community Service), Kegiatan (Activity), and Berdikari (Independence). This evaluation was done in a five-day four-night expedition. Again, he passed!

When Kuan Kyn was 17, he qualified himself for Pentarafan Pengakap Raja (King's Scout Standardization Camp), a three-day two-night camp which involved solo camping and making camp craft (minimum 20 gadgets), pioneering, first aid, foot and stave drills, backwoodsman cooking and handicraft making. By his strong determination and serious commitment, he passed! He fulfilled his dream while most of the rest had already failed!

More than that, Kuan Kyn had also served as (Junior) Scout Master (Ketua Muda) in 37th Kerian Scout Troop for 06/07. When he was in position, he had been in charged with the exams for the junior scouts, from Tenderfoot to First Class badge as well as coming out with teaching plan about scouting skills for the juniors . Not just so, he was assigned to be the Security Team Leader for the three-day two-night “Samba Parade”, 13th Campfire and 7th Skill Competition of 37th Kerian Scout Troop in 2006 and the security was indeed reassuring.

Through his scouting life, Kuan Kyn has always been acknowledged as a responsible and dedicated person. He was faithful in his tasks, he was diligent to finish the works being assigned to him. He was passionate about scout while with the scouting spirit burning within, he was a gentle person. He was gentle to his friends and even to his juniors whom he might have to be fierce or brutal with, at times. He might not be the best scout, he might not be the most organized planner, in fact being blurred sometimes, he was a good friend, a cute one.

    对于一童军来说,皇家童军往往只是 一个很遥远的梦想。

          或许有很多人在一开始时都信誓旦旦地表示一定要考取这个荣耀,但往往能坚持到最后的却没有几个。Keahlianlencana usahalencana maju lencana jayalencana tertinggi 都是考取皇家童军以前的必备基本资格。但凡是有经历过的,都知道要成功考取这些荣耀并不是一件轻而易举的事。

          凭着一股对童军的热忱和过人的毅力,冠群在13岁时就成功考取了 keahlian lencana usaha,掀开了童军生涯亮丽的序幕。随后,冠群在14岁那年成功考取了lencana maju 以及lencana jaya,继续开拓通往皇家童军之路。15岁那年,在秉持着坚定的信念下,冠群成功考取 lencana tertinggi,合格地取得了考取皇家童军的资格。他用了两年的时间努力不懈地筹备,并在18岁时成功考取皇家童军的徽章,为童军生涯写下辉煌的一页。

      不仅如此,冠群也在中学时期担任 2006 年度第三十七支童军团的青年童军组组长( Ketua Muda)。当时他除了负责与策划学弟学妹的大小童军考试,也负责策划与传授童军技能给学弟学妹。此外,冠群也曾在全国性大型营火会中担任保安组组长一职。
