
Our friend Beh Kuan Kyn used to be very active in co-curricular activities. He enjoyed outdoor activities and had also earned himself a king scout title during his secondary school years. 

          In the year of 2008, Kuan Kyn first started feeling headache. He thought it was just a normal headache, so he did not pay too much attention to that. However after a few days, the headache still had not gone away and the condition got worse when he had a fever later.

            Even after taking medicine for a few days, there was still no any sign of recovery. What’s more worrying was that his fever got worse, his sight getting weaker and he started getting a bit unconscious. Therefore around midnight, his parents quickly sent him to the Penang General Hospital. Due to Kuan Kyn’s serious condition, the doctors there quickly sent him to ICU for further diagnosis and treatment. 

      Based on his symptoms earlier, the doctors diagnosed that it might be Japanese Encephalomyelitis a.k.a JE. According to them the virus probably had infected his brain, so Kuan Kyn must be injected with the antidote immediately. Right before the injection, the doctors had given him anaesthetics to put him into unconsciousness. They estimated that if his condition is getting better, he will regain consciousness after 3 days.

3 days after the injection, Kuan Kyn still had not woken up. He eventually fell into a coma for about 2 month. The doctors said he had been infected by Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. During this period, Kuan Kyn had to lie on the bed and relied on medical appliances to help him sustain his life. A lot of doctors started to lose faith and some even gave up on him. His father, who was the sole-breadwinner for his family, had to quit his job and go over to Penang everyday to take care of him along with his mother. As a result, Kuan Kyn family fell into financial crisis. They are from a middle class family with his father working as a lorry driver, monthly income of just around RM1400.00. This made his family really hard to sustain his medical cost.

            Kuan Kyn woke up miraculously after 2 months in coma. Unfortunately, he was unable to move as he wished due to a minor damage in his brain and nervous system. He could only stay on bed, relying on his family to carry his life. 

Kuan Kyn stayed at Penang General Hospital for 4 months and was transferred to Bukit Mertajam Hospital for 4 months before he was home. Even though doctors lost their faiths in Kuan Kyn’s possibility to recover, his family did not. They felt they should not give up on Kuan Kyn when they could sense his determination to get well. They tried all sorts of methods to cure Kuan Kyn, but to no avail. The exorbitant expenses that are spent on medicines and medical apparatus for Kuan Kyn’s daily needs were a huge burden to the family.


Later on, Kuan Kyn’s aunt was informed that a well known doctor from Beijing, Professor Dr Hongyun Huang had come to Malaysia for a conference. He is a doctor from Beijing Xishan Institute specializing in Neuroregeneration and Functional Recovery. She contacted the doctor immediately and told him about Kuan Kyn’s condition. When the doctor went back to China, he asked for Kuan Kyn’s medical report. Finally, the hope has come to Kuan Kyn. The doctor is certain that there is a chance for Kuan Kyn to be cured and he is willing to offer him the treatment.

冠群,一位曾经叱咤童军这制服团体的朋友。他不仅仅是校园的活跃分子,童军生活的佼佼者,其杰出的表现更让他考上了公认是童军的最高权威- 大马皇家童军。



三天过去了,冠群并没有苏醒。 他昏迷了两个月。 经过医生进一步的诊断,怀疑冠群患上了急性播散性脑脊髓炎。 患病期间,冠群只能躺在病床上,依靠医疗仪器维持生命。 冠群的病情反复无常,也鉴于目前科学与医药知识的局限, 医生对其病情并没有抱于任何乐观的态度。冠群父亲,家庭的唯一经济支柱,被迫停止工作,与其母亲轮流交替照顾冠群的日常起居。失去了家中唯一的经济来源,冠群的家庭陷入了经济困境。所幸冠群于政府医院就医,可家里的积蓄也实在难以负荷冠群庞大的医疗费用。

在昏迷了两个月以后,冠群竟奇迹般地苏醒。 冠群是醒了,可身上主要的脊椎神经已严重受损,除了全身上下失去知觉以外,脑部也承受了一定程度的萎缩。


         今年年初,冠群的阿姨在因缘巧合下遇上了身置于吉隆坡出席医学研讨会的黄医师。黄医师乃北京市西山医院神经外科医生,北京市西山医院更一直是全球神经科学治疗系的权威。黄医师得知了冠群的病情,也看过了冠群的医疗报告,初步诊断出有痊愈的可能性, 并有意向冠群的病症进行治疗。